Charles River Wheelers

President's Message November 2023

2023-11-01 11:56 AM | Anonymous

BY Ed Cheng

CRW has wound down the 2023 riding season with a hugely successful Cranberry Harvest Century, with over 350 registrants and cooperative weather.  Thank you to the organizers, coordinators, and especially the volunteers for running the club's signature event.  It's a ride that we look forward to every year.

I'd like to also congratulate the elected (and re-elected) Member of the Board (Randolph, Norma, Erik, and Megan), who will help lead the club to greater heights in the year to come.  I was delighted that we had excellent candidates, polite discourse, and calm elections. As my the end of my term nears, I look forward to the selection by the Board of a new President and Chair during the upcoming Board Meeting on November 5, 2023.  Members are welcome to join the meeting via zoom and watch the proceedings.  

Last, I urge everyone to squeeze out a last ride or two while you still can.  

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