Charles River Wheelers

Women's/NB Program Season Kick-off Ride (24)

  • 2024-05-11
  • 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • MBTA Lincoln Station Lot, 160 Lincoln Rd, Lincoln
  • 19


  • Choose this option only if you are on the ride leader list and are accountable for this ride.
  • Choose this option only if you are on the ride leader list and are co-leading this ride.

Registration is closed

CRW Rides are open to members and guests. Guests may attend two rides annually before being required to join the club. Please click the Register button to the left to join the ride. Helmets are required on all CRW rides. Riders are expected to adhere to CRW code of conduct, template 20240415

Attendees: We welcome your feedback about your event experience here:
Ride Feedback Form

Ride Description:

You won’t want to miss this exciting season kickoff that gets our weekend rides started! 

Reconnect, meet new friends, and gear up for a great riding season ahead! Join your fellow fierce women, woman-identifying, and non-binary club mates for a pre-ride social (food and drinks provided!), some giveaways, and a beautiful no-drop ride. First time getting on the bike this season? No problem. This means we'll be sticking together and have tons of fun along the way. 

  • 8:00 AM: Pre-ride social with coffee and snacks provided
  • 8:45 AM: Raffle giveaways and Route/safety talk
  • 9:00 AM: We hit the road for 23 scenic, club-favorite and low-traffic miles through Lincoln, Sudbury, Wayland and beyond, including a regroup stop at the legendary Ponyhenge.
  • This is a no-drop ride.  Yup, that means you won't get dropped 3 minutes out of the parking lot and ride alone the rest of the way.  We ride together!

Not riding, but want to socialize?  Please join us for the social at 8AM for coffee and treats!  This event is for everyone who wants to ride with us this at any point this year.  

See you there for some of the most fun riding CRW has to offer!

Ride Start Location:

Lincoln MBTA Station  - no bathroom at the start (may be bathroom access nearby at Donelan's Market).


Please park in the back of the municipal parking lot for the Lincoln Station MBTA.  The spots have numbers on sticks.  Parking is free on weekends.  It's adjacent to the Donelan's parking lot (you drive through Donelan's lot to get to it) but please do not park in Donelan's spaces!

Ride Leader(s):

  • Robyn Betts -, 508-988-5982
  • Megan, 617-895-8236
Other Important Info:
  • Pace Groups: We will have no-drop groups based on pace, and will determine groups based on registrations.
  • Our program rides are inclusive and open to all women, woman-identifying, and non-binary peeps. Please come out, and feel free to bring a friend!

Link to RwGPS Route

The Women's/Nonbinary Program's goal is to invite more women, nonbinary, and female-identifying folks onto the road, foster connection with other women in the club, and act as an on-ramp to other co-ed areas of the club. Feel free to contact the ride leader via email if you have any questions about this ride or the Women's/Nonbinary Program in general.

© Charles River Wheelers, a 501(c)3 Organization

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