Charles River Wheelers

Cape In a Day Too (106 mi)

  • 2024-06-22
  • 6:00 AM - 6:00 PM
  • Braintree MBTA Parking Garage,197 Ivory St, Braintree, MA 02184
  • 34


  • Choose this option only if you are on the ride leader list and are accountable for this ride.
  • Choose this option only if you are on the ride leader list and are co-leading this ride.


CRW Rides are open to members and guests. Guests may attend two rides annually before being required to join the club. Please click the Register button to the left to join the ride. Helmets are required on all CRW rides. Riders are expected to adhere to CRW code of conduct, template 20240327

Attendees: We welcome your feedback about your event experience here:
Ride Feedback Form

Ride Description:

Start from MBTA train station in Braintree, MA and ride south through mostly quiet roads to Cape Cod. Once over the Bourne Bridge (must walk across on western sidewalk) enjoy great scenery along the coast and down the Shining Sea Bike Path. Have lunch in Woods Hole before heading to Hyannis and maybe stopping for some beach time in between, and then on to Hyannis to catch the Cape Flyer (seasonal) back to Braintree.

There are no alternate / shorter options for this ride.

Riders go at their own pace. The distance to the Bourne Bridge is approx. 48 miles. A great place to stop for lunch is at Pie-In-the-Sky in Woods Hole, MA (70 mi). If you have time and are inclined, spend some time at Craigville Beach near the end in Hyannis, MA (100 mi). If you want to take a dip in the water, bring a lock for your bike and trunks for yourself.

This is a one-way ride and you are responsible for getting to the Hyannis Transportation Center on time (by 6 pm) to make the 6:10 pm train back to Braintree. Tickets are $22 (there may be a group discount if we have more than 10 people registered) and bikes are free. Train arrives in Braintree at 8:10 pm. Food and drink (including beer and wine) are available on the train for purchase.

Rain date is the following day (Sunday). If the weather is iffy, check this page after midnight Friday 21 June and after midnight Saturday 22 June, if necessary, on Social Media Sites.

Ride Start Location:

We start at Parking Level 2A (in short term parking) of the MBTA parking garage in Braintree. Ride leaders will check that riders are registered and give the safety talk. Afterwards we will depart in small groups via the parking garage elevators and once on street level guided briefly by human arrows.

Ride Leader(s):

Ellen Gugel, 508-320-9943

Peter Sousounis, 734-657-1901

Link to RwGPS Route

© Charles River Wheelers, a 501(c)3 Organization

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