Charles River Wheelers

Dusk Dash

  • 2023-06-15
  • 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
  • Mighty Squirrel
  • 5


Registration is closed

CRW Rides are open to members and guests. Guests may attend two rides before being required to join the club. Please click the Register button to the left to join the ride.

Ride Description: The ride leaves PROMPTLY from the Mighty Squirrel Brewery in Waltham. The ride is show-and-go and will not necessarily regroup if riders are dropped.  Over the past couple weeks we've been averaging 14-16MPH. We may form a paceline if the roads/cars allow. Please bring lights.

Note on Route - there are two quiet roads in Lincoln off Trapelo that lead to Rt2 that are joined by a short section on the wide shoulder of Rt2.  If anyone (or the group) is uncomfortable riding this section, there's an option to ride up the climb to Old Farm Road off Lexington Rd and return via Lexington Rd and we can regroup before crossing over 128 on the return.

Ride Start Location: Ride starts from the Mighty Squirrel parking lot

Cancellation: Rain or unsafe weather/road conditions cancels. Will make call by 1 pm on day of ride.

Ride Leader(s):  Contact by TEXT ONLY on ride day, please. 646-389-4307; 617-335-9485

Link to RwGPS Route

Dusk Dash MS to Lincoln - A bike ride in Waltham, MA (

© Charles River Wheelers, a 501(c)3 Organization

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