Charles River Wheelers

🐓 Rooster Hills ⛰️

  • 2023-06-08
  • 5:30 AM - 8:00 AM
  • Porter Square in Cambridge, Monument Square in Arlington Center


Registration is closed

CRW Rides are open to members and guests. Guests may attend two rides before being required to join the club. Please click the Register button to the left to join the ride. v20230516

Ride Description:

Wanna work on your hills game?  Training for an upcoming hill climb?  Do you enjoy pain?  Then, you are in luck!

A ride is considered to have a substantial amount of climbing if there is 100ft elevation gain per mile.  This route has 120ft per mile, so saddle up!

Come join us for an enjoyable workout starting from Porter Square in Cambridge or Monument Park in Arlington, where we will do hill repeats in Arlington Heights. 



There is no obligation to join for all the hills.  A convenient spot to drop from the ride to get home for work or other obligations may be the final ascent to the water tower in Arlington Heights prior to heading over to the other side of Mass Ave.  Most likely we will hit the water tower between 7am and 730am, depending on pace.  Plan for the the bonus section east of Mass Ave to take approximately 30 minutes longer to complete.





This is a NO DROP ride, we will wait at the top of most hills to regroup when safe to do so.  Everyone can climb and descend at whatever pace they feel comfortable with.



If the group is large enough, we will split it into 2 different paces, such that people aren't waiting too long at regrouping points.





Since this route has a few overlapping sections, the GPS may be thrown off a bit and get confused in some sections.  Be sure to review the cues prior to the ride to familiarize yourself with the route.



Rough Roads: Traversing Hawthorne Ave (regrouping point and slow speed so okay), going up on Brattle Street (going slow so okay)

Speed Bump: Between Wheeler Lane & Ridge Street connection




There are some steep ascents on this route (up to 20%).  Make sure to bring a bike with proper gearing. 

What goes up, must also come down; meaning there are also steep descents.  Make sure your brakes in good working order.



1️⃣ We will meet at the bike racks closest to the main intersection at Porter Square on the island between Dunkin and CVS.  There is also a convenient bike repair stand there if needed. 

2️⃣ If you would like to join us in Arlington, we will probably be rolling by Monument Park in Arlington center about 10 minutes after the ride starts.



If you are driving to the start, you can park in Porter Square shopping center parking lot for free.

Ride Start Location:

  • Porter Square, Cambridge (near bike racks) - 5:30am
  • Arlington Center (near Monument statue) - 5:45am

Ride Leader(s):

Brian Wyka -

Link to RwGPS Route

© Charles River Wheelers, a 501(c)3 Organization

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