Charles River Wheelers

Ride Leader Kick Off

  • 2023-05-14
  • 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
  • 13 Depot Square, Lexington, MA 02420
  • 49

Event Description:

Registration is closed. If you can't make the meeting let me know. I can send you the powerpoint slide deck and highlight the points I want to make.

Time for Ride Leader kickoff! It's in person, with food and beverages and all of your friends! We're spending the big bucks and even hired a bartender so we can serve the good stuff!

All Ride Leaders and Ride Leader Wannabes are invited to join us at the Lexington Deport on Sunday, May 14, 2023. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. for beverages and socializing. We'll have a short presentation to bring you up to date on all the great things that are happening in the club and then you'll have more time to talk with your Ride Leader friends, meet new people and plan some rides. 

Please note this event is only for ride leaders and those training to be ride leaders. There will be another event at the end of the season where spouses/partners/significant others will be invited.


Event Location:,-71.2279452,15z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x89e39de9fba6a505:0x93aefbb88454e95b!8m2!3d42.4485445!4d-71.2279452!16s%252Fm%252F013d9m2q


John O'Dowd  978-760-4705

© Charles River Wheelers, a 501(c)3 Organization

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