Charles River Wheelers

CRW-Devo - Tempo Thursdays - Hudson Espresso

  • 2023-04-06
  • 5:45 AM - 9:00 AM
  • 411 Waverley Oaks Park Rd. Waltham, MA, 02452
  • 58


Registration is closed

CRW Rides are open to members and guests. Guests may attend two rides before being required to join the club. Please click the Register button to the left to join the ride. 

Ride Description:

Looking for a spicy start to your Thursday? Join us on this "Tempo" ride from Waltham over to a rotating list of craft, locally owned, independent coffee shop in a nearby "western" suburb. 

Equipment requirements:

Given its early start time, riders have to use headlights and taillights.

Coffee Shop selection:

We will be giving the Wild Hare a run for its money.

We all know how coffee shop stops halfway through rides tend to go long... so if you are on a rush, feel free to skip coffee (it's a sacrilege but you will be forgiven). We'll try to keep the stop under 30 minutes, anyway.

The pace will be defined by who shows up and how fit the group is. Although we will not be attacking the group, expect a good paceline to shape up. If you are feeling it, give your contribution to the pull. If not, hang at the back and enjoy the ride.

Ride Start Location:

There's a large parking lot at the start of the ride (in front of the Mighty Squirrel Brewery). They have a coffee shop there with toilets, but aren't open before 7. 

Ride Leader(s):

Andre Wolff - - 857 320-9374

Link to RwGPS Route

Hudson Espresso (04/06/2023) - 

© Charles River Wheelers, a 501(c)3 Organization

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