Charles River Wheelers

Exciting Developments and Your Impact at CRW

2024-01-29 9:29 PM | Anonymous

Dear CRW Members,

Thank you everyone for participating in the surveys this year. We had our highest response rate ever with over 225 survey responses.

The enthusiasm and insight from our board, alumni, and membership surveys have set a strong foundation for 2024, and the rise in volunteer interest is propelling us forward.

Board and Alumni Insights:

Our board and alumni have provided valuable perspectives, emphasizing the need for strategic growth and community engagement. Their experience and historical knowledge of CRW are guiding our efforts to enhance club operations and member experiences.

Membership Survey Revelations:

Your feedback in the membership survey has been eye-opening. From varied motivations like century rides to ride leadership, your diverse interests are shaping our club's future. It's your voice that's steering us towards 'Reducing Friction' in all our activities, making them more accessible and enjoyable for everyone.

Volunteerism at an All-Time High:

The response to volunteerism, especially from many first-timers, has been overwhelming. Popular volunteer opportunities spanned everything from century rides and ride leadership to club heritage had high levels of interest. This surge in volunteer interest is a testament to our club's vibrant and active community.

A Club Shaped by You:

Your participation, feedback, and volunteerism are what make CRW a unique and thriving community. We're committed to incorporating your insights into every aspect of our club's activities in 2024.

Thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm. Together, we are embarking on a year filled with growth, connection, and seamless cycling experiences.

Warm regards,

Randolph Williams

CRW President 

© Charles River Wheelers, a 501(c)3 Organization

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