Charles River Wheelers

Bike Thursday - Reschuduled to Friday, May 5th

  • 2023-05-05
  • 10:00 AM - 1:30 PM
  • Confirmed with Registration
  • 14


Registration is closed

CRW Rides are open to members and guests. Guests may attend two rides before being required to join the club. Please click the Register button to the left to join the ride.

Ride Description:

Bike Thursday Ride this week May 5th  will start in Concord.   The route is about 22 miles with hills and goes through Concord, Carlisle and Acton.

The ride starts at 10:00 AM.  Registration is mandatory and will be limited to 36 participants including 3 leaders.  We will be following the CRW rules of the road.  Riders will be split into 3 groups depending on the number of riders and pace.  The overall pace of this ride will average between 10 - 12+ mph and the individual groups will stay together using Human Arrows.

Please check your calendar before signing up for the ride.  If you need to cancel you can do so through the email confirmation you receive from CRW.  

Ride Start Location: 

To be send in ride Confirmation Email and Reminder Email

Ride Leader(s):

Barbara Jacobs - 617-852-5710,
Nina Siegel and 
Kevin Soll

Link to RwGPS Route:

To be send in ride Confirmation Email and Reminder Email

© Charles River Wheelers, a 501(c)3 Organization

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software